Louis U. Bigliani, MD
Material Covered:
The patient in this most informative video supplement is a 50-year-old laborer who had a traumatic rotator cuff tear. Prior to presenting to Dr. Bigliani, he underwent three separate procedures. The procedures included a repair of the rotator cuff with distal clavicle resection, an anterior Bankart repair, and a revision rotator cuff repair with a distal clavicle resection. Information dealing with revision after failed attempts at rotator cuff repair is sparse. Viewers will have the rare opportunity to observe the technique of a world renown expert in shoulder and implant surgery in this surgically challenging case.
- Factors Influencing Satisfactory Outcomes
- Primary Goal of Revision Surgery
- Indications / Contraindications
- Management of Multiple Skin Incisions
- Subscapularis Repair Technique
- Supraspinatus & Infraspinatus Repair Technique
- Deltoid Repair Technique
- Postoperative Protocol
See the Corresponding JBJS Article:
- Mladen Djurasovic, Guido Marra, Julian S. Arroyo, Roger G. Pollock, Evan L. Flatow, and Louis U. Bigliani.
- Revision Rotator Cuff Repair: Factors Influencing Results.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 2001 83: 1849-1855. [Article]
- Total Run Time: 27:20 minutes
- Catalog Number: 7046
- VJO Publication Date: March, 2002